About Us

About Us

Armchair Investing helps Canadians simplify the investment process in order for them to better plan for a prosperous financial future.

We explain how to use low cost financial products, such as exchange traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds, to build a diversified investment portfolio.

Set your investments on autopilot, sit back in your armchair with a nice cold beer or a glass of wine, and relax.

We are retired financial and tax professionals who are sharing our knowledge and experience to help you and others succeed. Please feel free to browse the site and rest assured, the information we are providing is totally free.

Questions? No problem. Just contact us at armchairfinancialcda@gmail.com 

Your armchair investing future starts now!


Early Warning Entertainment

Armchair Financial Canada is proud to be the official financial advisor for Canadian video game development company Early Warning Entertainment.

Early Warning produces digital entertainment, and provides Military Advisory for the Entertainment Industry. Mature & AO rated experiences, and intense storytelling at it’s best!

Early Warning Entertainment is Veteran operated. Members of Early Warning, serving and retired, include: Canadian Armed Forces & US Military.


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